Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga Ooga-Chaka

“I cannot live without books [or football].” Thomas Jefferson

While Rachel’s dropping the B-bomb on our blog, I’m dreaming about being in Devon Kennard’s “vibrant” book club.  Can’t say that I’ve met the Giant’s linebacker, but honestly speaking, I may be in love with the perfictionist. (Not to worry Peyton or Steph, to quote Orleans “You’re Still the One.”) If you know me at all, you know that I love me some professional football.  The game, in all its workout warrior maleness, may or may not have me Hooked on a Feeling.  (Okay, I’ll stop with the 70’s song references before I get outta hand.) 

Combine the gridiron, pigskin, and hail marys a la Aaron Rodgers with books glorious books, and this girl’s happy heart is sure to palpitate. The thought alone makes me starry-eyed. I’ll take razzle-dazzle and reads from here to eternity. All that to say, way to go DK!  He assigned two of my all-time favorite reads this summer: The Alchemist and To Kill a Mockingbird. I was deeply impressed that Kennard wanted joinees to relate reading to real life.  Books are exquisite teachers. We need to draw from the deep well literature has to offer.  And while Kennard may have incentivized his readers to think deeply by offering signed memorabilia, that seemed to be a smaller, secondary reward to the insights students gained.  Now that my book-lovin heart is sufficiently warmed, I’ll speak for me and Rae: next year DK, sign us up—the two middle-aged girls at twenty-seven are all in!

Posted by Tracy