Throwback Thursday

“Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.” 

Steph Curry is draining buckets. Heart Emoji. He just banked in a threeee! What a great way to end the day. Throw in a little chatter about books and I’m golden. It’s Thursday, so time to talk of reads gone-by. Maybe sports on the brain brought Mitch Albom to mind? Albom, originally a sports columnist, has written several best sellers—the very best of which is Tuesdays with Morrie

If you haven’t read Tuesdays with Morrie, promise me you will. Soon. This book is portable magic. What began as a labor of love to help Albom’s sociology professor pay mounting medical bills commensurate with a terminal illness, resulted in the best-selling memoir of all time. The accomplished journalist reconnected with his dying professor for the final months of his life. I’m grateful to have gotten a glimpse into Morrie’s study each Tuesday, where he shared irresistible wisdom with his “former” student. Wisdom about how to better live and how to better love. Morrie is the consummate teacher. And his finest classroom proved to include a hospital bed and an oxygen machine. Just thinking about this gift of a book reminds me, once again, that “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and let it come in.” 

Posted by Tracy