Two at Twenty Seven

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Let's Change The World

"...the people who seem closest to God are often not dressed up and sitting in pews, but dressed down and sitting in folding chairs in recovery meetings."

I've been sick. Again. Winter 2017 will not go down as a favorite of mine. Considering we hit 87 degrees here today, I think it's safe to say the season is officially in my rear view. Hallelujah. I'll wait a good week or two before I start complaining about the heat. You're welcome.

Now with a head clear of cold meds and a belly fulla Tray's Mississippi Mud Pie, it's time I posted that promised review of February's book club pick: Love Warrior. This book left me with conflicted emotions—more on that later. Here's what I loved: her brutal and honest critique of our society's skewed and dangerous definition of beauty, especially when it comes to weight. The damage it inflicts on young girls and women of every age is staggering; her story of becoming a bulimic at age 10 personalizes the alarming statistics. A movement is afoot to drain the media of it's powerful hold over our girls of every age and I'm all in. It's time girls grow up confidently chasing their dreams instead of chasing after media-imposed ideals that are nothing more than myths. Read the article Starving and Stifled: Women are Counting Calories instead of Changing the World and you'll be all in too.

Glennon's story drew me right in, making me feel as though I was along for every bit of her beautiful, heart-wrenching ride. At times it felt like I was intruding on a life—she shared so much. I fell in love with her little family and therein lies my conflict: I wanted the happy ending, the one I got in the book. But this is real life, not fiction, and the end isn't really the end. Life goes on, their marriage falls apart just as the book is being published, and I feel robbed of my happy ending. And then I'm reminded it's their story and their idea of a happy ending doesn't have to look like mine.

Posted by Rachel