Two at Twenty Seven

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January Book Club Selection

"And at home by the fire, whenever you look up there I shall be—and whenever I look up, there will be you." 

We're back. Let's pretend we've been abroad and out of internet range, shall we? That's far lovelier than the cold hard truth: the holidays kicked our trash. But hey, we're all about new beginnings (new year, new us) so here's to 2017 being the year we become responsible bloggers! Ya'll just sit back and prepare to be dazzled. 

Here's hoping Far From the Madding Crowd will do its fair share of dazzling too. We've been hankering to read it since picking up lovely clothbound editions on our annual beach trip. January feels like the perfect month to stay home by the fire, curled up with a classic, doesn't it? When we're finished, we can all heat some cocoa, pop some corn, and settle in to watch the movie. A happy New Year, indeed.

Posted by Rachel