Two at Twenty Seven

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Weekly Wrap-Up

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” —Maya Angelou


Not skipping Thanksgiving. There wasn't even a dent in the Halloween candy stash before jingle bells were ringing everywhere. We're big fans of Christmas around in we may go a tad overboard big...but let's give Turkey Day its due. Cheers to a month full of gratitude and hoping it rubs off on the other eleven.

This post over at The Small Seed is the perfect read to start off the season.

What better way to spread thankfulness than with these darling Jane Austen notecards?

This is hands down our favorite way to celebrate all month with the kiddos and grow grateful hearts.

Nothing says thank you like freshly baked cookies, especially when they're tied up with string and this happy tag.

Pretty sure no one does thank you as beautifully as Rifle Paper Company. We'll take one of each

Speaking of Rifle, their new address book makes keeping in touch with those you love a whole lot lovelier.

Can a person have too many gratitude journals? We think not. Oh, and this one. Wait, this one too. We are positively brimming with thankfulness. 


True confession: I've fallen in love with a Russian.