Two at Twenty Seven

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You Have One Day To Read Me Before You

A hilarious, heartbreaking, riveting novel...I will stake my reputation on this book. —Anne Lamott on Me Before You

First of all, can we just reflect for a moment on what it would feel like to have an author like Anne Lamott write that about your novel? I can't even imagine. If you aren't familiar with Lamott, stick around. We'll introduce you soon and you'll be fast friends. For now, take our word for it, any novel she's willing to stake her reputation on is a safe bet, indeed.

Jojo Moyes's Me Before You is one of those books you won't want to put down. You'll laugh and you'll sob. Yes, sob. I'm talking ugly crying here. And like any novel worth the salt of your tears, it will stay with you long after you finish.

That being said, it is chick lit. So if you have an aversion to that sort of thing, chances are you won't be a fan. This one isn't going to win the Pulitzer. It is, however, what I like to call a beach read with a brain: breezy and comical at times, yet able to tackle difficult subjects without being predictable. Think of it as the Gilmore Girls genre of fiction. So if you're like me, and aren't above some good ol' escapism, dig in. This one is a winner.

Why only one day to read it, you ask? Because tomorrow the sequel, After You, is being released. I've cleared my schedule.

Posted by Rachel